Friday, September 12, 2008

New 4F bosses.

this is the 4th boss i accidentally passed it and am too lazy and hate bloging to put it in its place ....
8th and final, push over ez boss...
5th boss

2nd boss

1st boss

some new content pics.

New boss i lasted 3 hits with ith. Also i think i hit him all 3 times i swong but, i know at least once cause my claw crit swung, just happy to know i can at least hit him >.>

Eh i saw him first but ran in back like a pussy saying OMG! and by then it was too late my team got too close and one hit pwned...

we look like an arrow head

He is hard but only takes 4 to kill maybe 3 with a good team, and possibly only 2 lvl 70 characters , but this was with lvl 63de,59knight,55mage,56elf.